Spasticity – Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2022 To 2032

Spasticity is a stretch reflex disorder clinically manifested as an increase in muscle tone that becomes more noticeable with faster-stretching movements. Upper motor neuron syndrome is typical of lesions that damage upper motor neurons (UMNS). The exaggeration of stretch reflexes is the hallmark of spasticity. As a result, a passively stretched muscle or muscle group experiences a velocity-dependent increase in resistance. Besides the dependence on velocity, spasticity is also a length-dependent phenomenon. In the quadriceps, spasticity is more significant when the power is short than when it is long. Bending the knee, at first, an excellent resistance is met. This is probably one of the mechanisms underlying the so-called clasp knife phenomenon. · Spasticity affects approximately 15% to 34% of those with stroke, ~85% of patients with Cerebral Palsy (CP), around about 40% to 45% of TBI patients, 35% of Spinal cord compression (SCI) patients,...